Container Insurance

This type of insurance protects the sea container throughout the transit against the risks implied; equipment is exposed to different risks during transit: theft and damage. Containers always travel at the expense and risk of carriers.

Insure all type of containers:

  • 20´DC
  • 40´DC
  • 40´HC
  • 20´REF
  • 40´REF
  • 20´OT
  • 40´OT
  • Flat Racks

We are the best container insurance!

The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes and it is only an abstract of the Master Terms and Conditions of the Container Insurance Policy. For further information on the terms, conditions, risks, exclusions, clauses, terminations of transport contracts, limits and generalities of each cover, please contact our executives at SafeLink Agente de Seguros S.A. de C.V.

Download the Container Insurance Request Form to get a quote

Click here to download the Incident Report Form

Express quote

We quote insurance for your shipment immediately

The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes and it is only an abstract of the Master Terms and Conditions of the Container Insurance Policy. For further information on the terms, conditions, risks, exclusions, clauses, terminations of transport contracts, limits and generalities of each cover, please contact our executives at SafeLink Agente de Seguros S.A. de C.V.

Cotización Exprés

Cotizamos el seguro para su embarque de inmediato

*Esta solicitud está sujeta a los términos y condiciones del seguro y acorde a la compañía aseguradora con la que se transfiera el riesgo.

Reclamo Registrado Exitosamente

Hemos recibido la información correctamente. En breve, se le enviará un folio de confirmación por correo electrónico para su referencia. Además, en unos momentos alguien de nuestro equipo se estará comunicando con usted para brindarle asistencia personalizada. Agradecemos su paciencia y confianza.

Déjanos tus datos y un agente se comunicará contigo en breve