About Us

SafeLink, with more than 20 years of experience, we are the leading Insurance Agent in México and Latin America in reduction and prevention of logistics risks (Marine), we offer advice and the most robust insurance for national and international freight transport.

Every year SafeLink endorses important commercial agreements with the most prestigious insurers worldwide, with the purpose of minimizing and trasnferring the risks of our clients in the logistics sector.

Our Benefits

Registered and licensed
by the CNSF

SafeLink Mexico is registered and licensed by the National Insurance and Bonding Commission in Mexico. Registration number: 06-C00-41300/08807. Over 19 years of experience speak for us.


With SafeLink Mexico, you obtain a single rate for all your general cargo shipments. Optimize your time and generate more business.


SafeLink provides you with 24/7 risk management advice all-year-round. In addition, you will receive digital advertising materials from our Marketing and Design department.

Effective coverage

Insure your cargo right away!
Contact your assigned executive or visit our webpage and get your certificates immediately.


SafeLink Mexico has over 60 exclusive coverage options for risks derived from international cargo transport.

Training and advisory services
at no cost

SafeLink Mexico offers you unlimited and free training and comprehensive advice for your entire logistics team. We provide training for the correct handling of your products.

First academic reference book on cargo insurance

in Latin America published by SafeLink

Customer Rewards!

Rewards Program

award - winning


SafeLink recibió el Galardón Jalisco a la Exportación 2016, gracias su participación activa y académica capacitando a más de 600 empresas mexicanas de comercio exterior en prevención de riesgos logísticos.

Lee la nota completa aquí


Cotización Exprés

Cotizamos el seguro para su embarque de inmediato

*Esta solicitud está sujeta a los términos y condiciones del seguro y acorde a la compañía aseguradora con la que se transfiera el riesgo.

Reclamo Registrado Exitosamente

Hemos recibido la información correctamente. En breve, se le enviará un folio de confirmación por correo electrónico para su referencia. Además, en unos momentos alguien de nuestro equipo se estará comunicando con usted para brindarle asistencia personalizada. Agradecemos su paciencia y confianza.

Déjanos tus datos y un agente se comunicará contigo en breve